FAQs 2020-01-30T09:56:06+00:00

Solar Power Handy Tips & FAQs

Getting the best out of your system

Here are a few handy tips regarding your system:

  • Check that your inverter is operating; The green light is on and it is showing the expected amount of wattage.
  • To optimize your system is to follow the sun. If it’s a bright sunny day use your power. Run your washing machine, dishwasher, air conditioning, underfloor heating perhaps or your pool or spa during the time that the sun is shining.
  • Program your appliances to come on if you’re not home. For example, if it’s a sunny day and you’ve gone to work or you’ve ducked out for an appointment, you want to get the most out of your solar panels. That means, for example, you might want to put your dishwasher on a delayed start or perhaps your washing machine, pools are really easy, as are air conditioners – a lot of people actually run their air-conditioning systems when they’re not home so that they come home to a lovely comfortable house by the time they get home.
  • Try staggering your consumption. Instead of having your washing machine, dishwasher, dryer, pool, etc. all running at the same time try and stagger your consumption because what you find is a big curve in terms of production in the middle of the day. If you put everything on right in the middle of the day that’s fine but if you put something on right at 10 am in the morning and all your solar panels are producing a lesser amount of electricity you’ll find that you’ll be dipping into the grid instead of using up all of your solar energy.
  • To minimize your consumption at night, turn off things when you’re not using them, for example, the television or lights in bedrooms so that you’re really shifting your usage more to daylight hours and minimizing your evening consumption when your solar panels aren’t producing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Terms & Conditions? 2021-11-18T11:16:56+00:00

Please see a link to our company terms & conditions.

How do I setup my wifi? 2020-01-30T09:50:37+00:00
How do I register my warranty? 2020-01-30T09:51:06+00:00

Fronius Inverter: Click here for the step by step instructions.

Do I need to clean my solar panels? 2020-01-30T10:20:23+00:00

Based on the orientation/angle, solar panels do self-clean. However, cleaning is recommended between 1-2 years as dust, bird droppings and other elements can build up over time. To clean, use a soft cloth (non-scratch) to wipe them down or you can hose them down.

Why does my system not work at night? 2018-03-19T00:47:54+00:00

Your solar system will turn off at night as there is not enough sunlight to sustain operation. Once the solar radiation is high enough the inverter will start to operate automatically again each morning.

My inverter not working, what do I do? 2020-01-30T10:21:11+00:00

Check your western power supply is working. Try turning off your inverter as per the shutdown procedure on the front of your inverter.  Check that the solar supply main switch circuit breaker is in the “on” position. If these steps have not rectified the issue, please contact Koala Solar on 08 9456 4763 or refer to your system’s online manual.

How does solar power work at night? 2018-03-19T00:46:38+00:00

Solar panels installed on your roof work best during daylight hours. When the sun is shining directly onto them, photons from the sunlight charge a battery that stores the energy before being converted into alternating current (AC) electricity for home appliance usage. Solar panels can’t generate power in darkness.

Does solar power work in a blackout? 2020-01-30T09:57:40+00:00

Not always. Even homes and businesses with solar may lose power in the event of a grid power outage if their system does not include a solar battery storage system.

How does a solar power generator work? 2018-03-19T00:46:08+00:00

Solar generators use solar panels to capture photons from the sun and charge a battery in the generator. Before the power is extracted, an inverter changes it to alternating current (AC) electricity, which is used by most appliances today.

Is ongoing maintenance required for my residential solar system? 2018-04-16T11:30:35+00:00

In general, your solar power installation is care-free. With no moving parts to worry about, the likelihood of anything breaking down is very small. The most important maintenance you can do is to keep the panels clean. Cleaning the solar panels is a simple task which should be completed on an annual basis.

Where is the best spot for my solar panels? 2018-03-19T00:45:16+00:00

While most home installations require solar panels to be discreetly installed on the roof, there are other options. You can choose a roof installation or even a free-standing installation anywhere on your property. Most importantly, a good solar system needs maximum sunshine. In WA, we generally achieve this by facing the solar panels North with an upwards tilted angle of 30 degrees.

Can a solar system be installed in my apartment building? 2018-03-19T00:45:14+00:00

Yes. And, if your body corporate agrees to a solar system installation, they may be eligible for a government rebate or discount. First of all, we recommend you gain agreement from your body corporate and all parties concerned. After that, feel free to contact Koala Solar to arrange a solar system installation in your residential apartment building.

What is an inverter and do I need one? 2018-03-19T00:45:11+00:00

An inverter is a small component you need to convert the DC electricity generated by your solar system into the 240V AC current needed in your home – so, yes, you will need an inverter. Inverters are typically installed next to your meter box and are no bigger in size than a standard briefcase.

What size solar panels do I need? 2018-04-16T11:33:06+00:00

Each household has different electricity needs. Don’t hesitate to call Koala Solar today and our friendly team can discuss what’s possible for your home.

How long it will take to install my solar system? 2018-04-16T11:32:10+00:00

A typical residential solar system can be installed in less than a day. For more complex commercial installations, please contact Koala Solar for an estimate.

What types of Residential Solar Systems are available? (On Grid vs Off Grid) 2018-04-16T11:32:49+00:00

When choosing a solar power system for your home, there are two main types to choose from: 1./ On-Grid and 2./ Off-Grid (or Stand Alone).

1./ Grid-Connect Solar System

This system connects your home’s solar system into the public electricity grid. Power from your solar system can feed into the public electricity grid and is monitored through your power meter. Your energy company will pay you (or reimburse you) for your home’s contribution to the grid.

2./ Off-Grid (Stand Alone) Solar System

Off-grid solar systems operate completely independently of the public electricity grid. Perfect for rural homes and remote areas who cannot connect to the electricity grid, off-grid solar systems are also being adopted by families who want to be self-sufficient and not reliant on the public electricity system. Off-grid solar systems generally include additional components such as a backup generator and a battery bank, which stores the daylight energy harnessed by the solar system, enabling 24×7 solar power supply.

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