How Solar Power Benefits You
If you’re considering Solar Power for your home, you’re taking a step in the right direction. The financial benefits of solar power can be significant; but more than that, solar power is good for the environment and good for your lifestyle.
Saves You Money
Perhaps the most obvious benefit of solar power is that it’s energy “free from the Sun”, meaning many families can reduce or eliminate their electricity bills, with most of the home’s power derived directly from the solar system. Given today’s prices, most homes can expect to recover the cost of a standard solar panel installation (and gain a positive return on your investment) in approximately 4 years.
The actual time to positive ROI will depend on the efficiency of your home, system size and usage. In any case, by installing a residential solar system, you can significantly reduce your ongoing power bills. What’s more, a Solar System shields you from price hikes by electricity companies. Should electricity prices become less affordable, you won’t need to worry.
Payment Plan
We have partnered with Plenti to provide payment solutions that enable our customers to purchase our solar packages, solar panels, inverters, solar batteries, and iStore (hot water system). For more information visit Plenti.

Increases Your Home’s Resale Value
A property that offers low-cost electricity is extremely attractive for home buyers. Although you’re paying upfront for installation, you win in the long term because a solar system increases the marketability and perhaps even the resale value of your home.
Reduces Your Carbon Footprint
Have you ever wondered how your day to day living impacts the environment? When you use electricity, how are you contributing to carbon emissions and pollutions? The impact you make is called your environmental footprint and for the sake of our children’s future, it’s important to keep our footprint small. Solar Power is renewable, sustainable, and can be generated with zero harmful emissions. It’s a simple step you can take to ensure you’re supporting our environment.
Improves Your Standard of Living
With solar power your family doesn’t need to worry about electricity usage. You can operate all your home’s electric devices – including air-conditioning, TV’s, laptops, computers, washing machines, fridges, etc. – without worrying about an expensive power bill or environmental impact.
View Our Broad Range of Solar Products:

Solar Panels


Solar Packages